Thursday 13 December 2007

School in Italy

Just so you know what angle I will be coming from with this post; I prefer school in Australia.
I like changing classrooms; you get to move around between lessons, you can talk to people in the corridor, you can breathe some fresh air, if you're really desperate you can buy food from the school vending machines and eat it in your next lesson, if you don't like the person you're sitting with you can sit with someone else and not appear rude. I could go on but, in short, I like changing rooms and I like being in different classes with different people. Italian schools don't work like that.

I like the Australian classrooms; they have carpet on the floors, not tiles, so chairs and tables don't scrape and echo, because one teacher stays in the same in classroom it becomes more personalised (they put up pictures, have the desks arranged a certain way, etc.) and it's not graffitied. I feel so much better about being in those rooms, you learn better I'm sure. Not having carpets also means that sound is amplified and the Italians (who are not exactly quiet to begin with) are even louder in these rooms.

Those are the main reasons, I know they sound silly and inconsiquential but they matter to me and, no doubt, if you were in a strange school it would be the little things that get to you too.

Oh, and in Australian schools the students don't smoke all the time. But smoking is all over Italy, you can't expect the schools to be any different.

1 comment:

Rebecca Anne said...

Wow...i STILL can't get over the no toilet paper thing...

i mean no toilet paper that is INSANE!

luv ya Nadia!