Tuesday 18 November 2008

All done!

I'm finished! Euphoria has ensued and today it's raining which is great! I love rain, especially in November.
Five exams, all done like a dog's dinner. Now I can do all those things I promised myself not to do during year 12. Oh happy day!

There's really not much more to say until something exciting happens to me (which I'm almost sure it will since I'm now young, single and FREE!) ...That's not 'free' in any sort of sexual way, just to be clear.


Felix for Zosia said...

Congratualtions! That is very exciting indeed. xx

Femikneesm said...

Woo hoo!! Congratulations.

John Eldridge said...


Finishing year 12 is a good party-time.

Nerd Girl said...

Thanks, guys. :)
Care to join me at the part-ay? <:P