Wednesday 12 November 2008

Curses! Foiled again

I am well aware of the fact that, at home, I tend to get sidetracked with things like washing dishes, answering numerous calls for other people, wearing my new high heels around the house so I get used to them (I swear that's the only reason), posting blogs, getting calls from tele-marketers and giving up on explaining I don't want the thing they're selling because they can't hear me all the way over in India so just hanging up, (sorry if that last sentence wasn't as well structured as it could have been) and playing computer games. I make no excuse for playing the games, I was deliberately avoiding study and there are no two ways about it.

So, today I had planned to go out to school or the library so that I would study better for my last exam (insert celebration dance here). Then the Summer heat we thought would never come, came. 36ÂșC today and I do not have enough faith in AdelaideMetro to get me where I need to go in under an hour.

And to top it all off - the computer froze so I couldn't save my game, I can't even time-waste effectively.


Femikneesm said...

Awesomeness about your last exam NG. When is it?

Good luck!

Nerd Girl said...

On Monday, :D after that I have to find a new way to fill up my days.