Monday, 18 January 2010

Short changed... again

This prize goes to the woman who just wouldn't leave!

You know how when a shop is about to shut there'll be an voice over the PA telling you it's now or never if you want to buy that tin of corn you've been holding for the past ten minutes. Then there'll be another one telling the shop has actually closed now and you really need to be getting home to your ferns. (I would have said family, but I suspect that a lot of single people shop in my supermarket.)

Anyway, this woman waited until after the shop had closed to come to my checkout with a small basket of goods. This seemed okay to me, after all, she didn't have a trolley. But she had picked a whole lot of things she was sure were on special (most of them weren't) and so each item I scanned she wanted a price check on. That means that for each one I had to call someone over the PA to go and look at the prices on the aisle because I can't leave the checkout.

With every item that turned out not to be on special she would say "Oh, well I don't want that then, can I just leave it here with you?"
Sure you can, that just means that I'm left with a basket full of stuff from all over the shop to put back.

But, the really excellent part is that when she was finally done, she looked around the store and said, "Oh, am I the last one out?"

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