Monday 21 December 2009

Things to do to make your checkout chick love you

1. Give her your shopping bags first. This means before she's scanned all your stuff and put it on the bench thus adding an extra step to the process.

2. Put things you want packed together next to each other on the conveyor belt.

3. Make polite conversation. While she is being paid to be nice to you, it would still be nice if you returned the favour. It makes such a difference to her day and reminds her that she is a person, just like you.

4. Where possible, buy nice rectangular objects -so much easier to pack.

5. Don't yell at her. You'd think that's sort of common practice - not yelling at people. But you'd be surprised how often people forget basic manners when talking to someone who works in a supermarket.

6. Try to give the right change. This isn't always possible, I know. But don't think I don't notice when you sort through the notes in your wallet and give me a 50 when you could have given me a 10 or a 20.

7. Don't abuse her for things that aren't her fault. This includes prices, the layout of the shop, the fact that big bottles of milk are heavy, the person in front of you not speaking English very well, the fact that Mr Rann made plastic bags illegal, the weather, the invention of credit cards and many others.

8. Don't start drooling and talking to her chest.* It's unpleasant.

*Actually, until today, I wouldn't have thought it was something that happened outside of bad sitcoms, but there you go.

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