Tuesday 13 October 2009

Can I 'ave spam instead then? #2

I'm so glad I've found a useful thing to do with spam.

This one, my favourite, is a from "Vicky Fuqua" and I must say I'm very impressed with her ingenuity. I mean, bringing the reader in with a question is a tried and true method of spammers but I love the innocent nature of this one; "Saw my sunglasses?"

(It's actually rather refreshing to get something in my spam box that doesn't ask me if I want a bigger penis. I was almost tempted to read it.)

Second place goes to "Shirlee Osumybar" simply because I like her name. Although, her subject matter "Based on this crap" should not go unnoticed.

Then, lastly I'd like to give an honourable mention to "Dr.Jin Chung" who sent me "YOUR TRANSACTION DETAILS". I like a doctor who knows that shouting at people is the best way to convince them you're legit.


Lady K said...

Do you think Shirlee Osumybar is the viral cousin of Osama bin Laden?

Nerd Girl said...

You could be onto something there... maybe I should ring that agency and tell them. (You know, the "Be alert but not alarmed" one)