Sunday 5 April 2009

The antics are back

Do you all remember Crazy Football Fan who never stops talking? Well, to a certain amount of dismay, I found myself rostered to work with him the other day. I had hoped, it being a Friday night, that we would be very busy and co-worker conversations could be kept to a minimum. No. It was one of the quietest Fridays I have ever known and, despite my persistent efforts to avoid him, CFF was always around the next corner, ready to invade your conversations and personal space.

I did, however, manage to get these two golden quotations from him:

(Oh, one other thing you should know about CFF is that he has no volume control. This means that everything he says is not quite a yell, but after a while, has quite an abrasive effect on you. If life were a comic book, his speech bubbles would always be in bold text.)

"Conversations with me are just my voice."


"I would high-five practically anything."


Jacob said...

I hate people with no volume control. I was stuck on a train with Krista (from school, do you remember her?) the other day, and she's similarly afflicted.

"I would high-five practically anything."

Didn't we once high-five the word 'mirth'?

Nerd Girl said...

You know, I think we did. I do recall having a conversation with you about mirth and merriment.

But, in this case, CFF's high-five was in relation to the invention of mustache combs. No, he doesn't have a mustache.

Felix for Zosia said...

"I would high-five practically anything." ... that doesn't sound very hygenic to me...

Femikneesm said...

FfZ - no, it sounds decidedly dirty!