Wednesday 9 July 2008

Not something you use to cut rocks in half

PS:I want to tell you all about a little word that is very close to my heart and to my funny-bone;


You are all, I'm sure, familiar with the word 'rock' and such as phrases as "rockin' the suburbs" and "rock my socks". Well, The Young People of Today just aren't content and decided to up the impressiveness of the word by making it... a palindrome! So it became 'roxor'. (Or even 'roxorz' if you're really hardcore)
Then, of course, it needed a rhyme hence the phrase "to roxor one's boxors".

I just explained this to my brother and both of us decided it needed to be put out there on the blogosphere. So now it is and now you can all say "That roxorz my boxors!" with confidence.

PS: The irony has not escaped me that by making 'roxor' 'roxors' (or 'roxorz') the palindrome-ness is lost.

PPS: This all started because we found this article:


John Eldridge said...

I remember learning that phrase off my mate's older engineering-student-brother back in the 90's :p

Truer today then when it 'twas written!

Femikneesm said...

You crazy kids with your music and so on!