Wednesday 6 February 2008

How not to pass highschool

> Order all you text books after school has started

> Go to bed too late and wake up too early. Often

> Choose subjects that all require an Independant Study which you need to work on throughout the year

> Live in an area where buses are unrelaiable, thus making you late and scattered

> Start a subject you have had no previous experience with as your only science subject for Year 12

> Procrastinate on the internet instead of starting your homework

> Spend your frees lessons in the Year 12 Study Hall (has unofficialy been renamed the Party Room)

> Get lulled into a false sense of security when teachers tell you that you'll be fine with all the work.


Lady K said...

Work late, often, so that you don't start assignments until after midnight the morning they're due, making you tired & therefore always late... thus earning saturday morning detentions, and runing any chance you had of a sleep in... making you late... getting detentions....

Nerd Girl said...

OK, I stand corrected. I'm just an amatuer failure I can see.

Jacob said...

The inaccurately monikered "Study" Room... so many memories.

From personal experience, I would add on to your list: Blogging is a bad alternative to actual homework.

Felix for Zosia said...

"I'm just an amatuer failure I can see." - go overseas for 5 weeks over Easter. Make sure you save your homework up so you have double lots to do on every second evening, which means you don't finish until 2 or 3 am. Sleep on the couch (in the "cross room") in order make sure you wake up in the morning, which works because you never sleep properly. Make sure you are generally so sleep deprived that the only way you can wake yourself up is to eat mustard on toast for breakfast... ah the memories... good times... (and by the way Marge, I was being sarcastic)

Jacob said...

(and by the way Marge, I was being sarcastic)

Well DUH.