Sunday 31 August 2008


Hi guys,

I'M 18! (That happened on Monday and so did the start of mid-year exams) my week has been OK; the positives and negatives balanced each other out well.

I have a funny story to post but you'll have to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to hear it because tomorrow I have another exam and my Independent Study presentation on Tuesday but after that I'm here and free for the blogging about.
I had a swell party yesterday which I'll tell you all about when I get my life back.


PS: I saw Jacob the other day, he was driving his car.


Jacob said...

Hee! It was good to see you again. I was driving my shitbox car, the one I'm about to sell.

Happy birthday - you're one of us mature adults now. We mostly eat cheese on crackers and loaf about in our aprons and write letters to the editor on our type writers.

Nerd Girl said...

*sniff* I've been looking forward to that for so long now!

Femikneesm said...

Happy birthday!